Thursday, March 11, 2010

Self Indulgence

Sometimes, I have one of those moments of crystal clarity when ideas seem to be racing ahead of each other in a rush to be expressed. When my fingers seem to fly on the keyboard almost of their own accord. When, for a brief shining moment, I effortlessly find the perfect words to express myself. This is not one of those moments. They say the first time is always the hardest. Originally in reference to what, I have never figured out. It's nonetheless true. That's why writing this and making the decision to create a blog to post it in was more difficult than drafting a Petition for Certiorari in a case where your dog ate all your evidence while you were surfing the net instead of studying for your hearing like you were supposed to. I've been debating long and hard about whether or not I should revive my blog. Does the world REALLY need another self-obsessed, insecure, ranting, raving, 30 something who actually (and sincerely) believes that anyone out there is interested in what they say? Hmmmmm. In a fit of self-gratification and unabashed , I have decided that - Yes, the world may NOT need another self-obsessed, insecure, ranting, raving, 30 something, but who cares? I need catharsis. I have missed ranting and raving. And after all, this IS the age of self-indulgence. Who am I to buck the norm?

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Self Indulgence

Sometimes, I have one of those moments of crystal clarity when ideas seem to be racing ahead of each other in a rush to be expressed. When my fingers seem to fly on the keyboard almost of their own accord. When, for a brief shining moment, I effortlessly find the perfect words to express myself. This is not one of those moments. They say the first time is always the hardest. Originally in reference to what, I have never figured out. It's nonetheless true. That's why writing this and making the decision to create a blog to post it in was more difficult than drafting a Petition for Certiorari in a case where your dog ate all your evidence while you were surfing the net instead of studying for your hearing like you were supposed to. I've been debating long and hard about whether or not I should revive my blog. Does the world REALLY need another self-obsessed, insecure, ranting, raving, 30 something who actually (and sincerely) believes that anyone out there is interested in what they say? Hmmmmm. In a fit of self-gratification and unabashed , I have decided that - Yes, the world may NOT need another self-obsessed, insecure, ranting, raving, 30 something, but who cares? I need catharsis. I have missed ranting and raving. And after all, this IS the age of self-indulgence. Who am I to buck the norm?

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