Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Preface and Author’s note : Sorry people, I thought I had posted this already –I wrote it back in May… but there you go…old age. It seems I completely forgot it even existed.

I finally fulfilled a life long fantasy – at least one of them anyway.

(...and no, this does not mean that I’ve gone out and bought that Balenciaga I’ve been coveting forever. Ron and I are still negotiating that acquisition and conducting a due diligence examination of our fiscal health prior to closing the deal.)

I kissed a boy at a rock concert! (Giggles here)

Ok. Maybe not a boy – cause he was 40, and well, kinda…my husband. However - as I said to a friend - the fact that the boy was incidentally my husband was a bonus, but also, irrelevant. And granted, that it was 20 years too late. But nonetheless….

It was the principle of the thing.

You have to understand – I was kinda a wallflower in high school….and most of college as well. Or equally possible – scared spitless of my mom that I would never even consider kissing a boy in public. Much less a rock concert. (Hmmm…now let’s see, how do I put the same fear in my daughter?)...and assuming of course that I could find one who wanted to kiss me at the time.

At this point – I would like take back every mean thing I said about the possibility of watching a Tears for Fears Concert – because well…it just totally ROCKED.

(Yes Ron, you told me so. Now go away.)

To state the obvious by the way, this is a companion piece to my previous post and yes, as it turns out Everybody DOES Want to Rule the World - most “everybody” being either on the wrong side of 40 or getting there.

Chances are, if you ever had tsunami hair, wore baston pants and Bla-bla shoes or remember Michael Jackson from when he was still black, George Michael when he wasn’t gay or if you ever owned fishnet in any of its various incarnations as clothing - you were at the Araneta Coliseum on May 2, 2010. All of us Lipitor drinking, some balding, mostly overweight, and in denial about our age children of the ‘80s were present and accounted for.

The whole nights had its pros and cons of course – the cons being that we found ourselves getting sleepy by 10 pm and having to sit down out of breath every three songs (remember when you could dance all night and not feel a thing the next day?). But then again, there were the benefits of ahem…our slightly advanced…age…the main thing being that in the ‘80s, if Tears for Fears HAD come to Manila in concert, I would probably be able to afford a ticket only in the nosebleed section where the most I could see of Curt Smith or Roland Orzibal would be a little spot the size of an ant.

So having gotten to tick-off one thing on my things-to-do-before-I-become-earthworm food, I just need to:

1.) Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower (chickened out before and took the

2.) Find the nerve to tell off someone without being overly hampered by my oh-so-
polite upbringing;

3) Learn to surf ;

4) Finally finish reading “Anna Karenina”

5) Learn a foreign language

6) Learn to program my ipod by myself

7) Buy a Hermes Birkin bag with money I earned all by myself, in a completely
impractical color, just because I can;

8) Eat blowfish sashimi and not die of poisoning – because that would just defeat
the purpose);

9.) Ride the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” rollercoaster in Disneysea and
not chicken out at the last minute…

10.) Watch Rafael Nadal play at any of the Grand Slam events…or even just stand
there doing nothing, being eye candy -- preferably not wearing a shirt.

11.) Wear my bee-you-ti-fulllll knee high boots without shame...(oh wait..I think I
do this already.)

....and the list goes on.

Hmmmm….I’d better have a long healthy life so I can do all this. I guess staying up most of the night going to rock concerts doesn’t help…..

P.S. Since writing this, I also got to scratch thing # 45 “Conquer my fear of revolving doors” off the list -- which I thought was very cool – cool, except maybe to the small crowd of very annoyed people late for work that morning, waiting behind me and trying to get into the building.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Preface and Author’s note : Sorry people, I thought I had posted this already –I wrote it back in May… but there you go…old age. It seems I completely forgot it even existed.

I finally fulfilled a life long fantasy – at least one of them anyway.

(...and no, this does not mean that I’ve gone out and bought that Balenciaga I’ve been coveting forever. Ron and I are still negotiating that acquisition and conducting a due diligence examination of our fiscal health prior to closing the deal.)

I kissed a boy at a rock concert! (Giggles here)

Ok. Maybe not a boy – cause he was 40, and well, kinda…my husband. However - as I said to a friend - the fact that the boy was incidentally my husband was a bonus, but also, irrelevant. And granted, that it was 20 years too late. But nonetheless….

It was the principle of the thing.

You have to understand – I was kinda a wallflower in high school….and most of college as well. Or equally possible – scared spitless of my mom that I would never even consider kissing a boy in public. Much less a rock concert. (Hmmm…now let’s see, how do I put the same fear in my daughter?)...and assuming of course that I could find one who wanted to kiss me at the time.

At this point – I would like take back every mean thing I said about the possibility of watching a Tears for Fears Concert – because well…it just totally ROCKED.

(Yes Ron, you told me so. Now go away.)

To state the obvious by the way, this is a companion piece to my previous post and yes, as it turns out Everybody DOES Want to Rule the World - most “everybody” being either on the wrong side of 40 or getting there.

Chances are, if you ever had tsunami hair, wore baston pants and Bla-bla shoes or remember Michael Jackson from when he was still black, George Michael when he wasn’t gay or if you ever owned fishnet in any of its various incarnations as clothing - you were at the Araneta Coliseum on May 2, 2010. All of us Lipitor drinking, some balding, mostly overweight, and in denial about our age children of the ‘80s were present and accounted for.

The whole nights had its pros and cons of course – the cons being that we found ourselves getting sleepy by 10 pm and having to sit down out of breath every three songs (remember when you could dance all night and not feel a thing the next day?). But then again, there were the benefits of ahem…our slightly advanced…age…the main thing being that in the ‘80s, if Tears for Fears HAD come to Manila in concert, I would probably be able to afford a ticket only in the nosebleed section where the most I could see of Curt Smith or Roland Orzibal would be a little spot the size of an ant.

So having gotten to tick-off one thing on my things-to-do-before-I-become-earthworm food, I just need to:

1.) Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower (chickened out before and took the

2.) Find the nerve to tell off someone without being overly hampered by my oh-so-
polite upbringing;

3) Learn to surf ;

4) Finally finish reading “Anna Karenina”

5) Learn a foreign language

6) Learn to program my ipod by myself

7) Buy a Hermes Birkin bag with money I earned all by myself, in a completely
impractical color, just because I can;

8) Eat blowfish sashimi and not die of poisoning – because that would just defeat
the purpose);

9.) Ride the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” rollercoaster in Disneysea and
not chicken out at the last minute…

10.) Watch Rafael Nadal play at any of the Grand Slam events…or even just stand
there doing nothing, being eye candy -- preferably not wearing a shirt.

11.) Wear my bee-you-ti-fulllll knee high boots without shame...(oh wait..I think I
do this already.)

....and the list goes on.

Hmmmm….I’d better have a long healthy life so I can do all this. I guess staying up most of the night going to rock concerts doesn’t help…..

P.S. Since writing this, I also got to scratch thing # 45 “Conquer my fear of revolving doors” off the list -- which I thought was very cool – cool, except maybe to the small crowd of very annoyed people late for work that morning, waiting behind me and trying to get into the building.